Fachwerk - vertaling naar Engels
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Fachwerk - vertaling naar Engels

Half-timbered; Timber-framed; Timber frame; Half-timbered construction; Colombage pierroté; Post and beam construction; Post-and-beam construction; Half-timbering; Half-timber; Half-Timber Work; Timbered housing; Principal beam; Principal brace; Principal rafter; Half-timber house; Fachwerk; Half timbered; Half-timberd; Timber-frame; Colombage pierrote; Half-timbered house; Half-timbered houses; Timber frame construction; Timber framed; Frame and fill; Timber-framing; Wood Frame; Fachwerkhaus; Timber-framed houses; Timber-framed house; Fachwerk (Germany); Wood-frame; Black-and-white style; Box-frame; Braced framing; Framed building; Timberframe; Carpenters marks; Timber framed buildings; Timber construction; Timber-frame house; Timber framed building; Timber framed house
  • [[Anne Hathaway's Cottage]] in [[Warwickshire]], England: Its timber framing is typical of vernacular [[Tudor architecture]]
  • [[Anne Hvides Gaard]], [[Svendborg]], Denmark, from 1560
  • Moselle]], built in 1417.
  • Joints in an ancient French roof; the wooden pegs hold the [[mortise and tenon]] joinery together.
  • Typical lapped joint assemblies of split-ring connectors
  • Coupesarte Manor (Normandy, France)
  • A "true" or "full" [[cruck]] half-timbered building in [[Weobley]], [[Herefordshire]], England: The cruck blades are the tall, curved timbers which extend from near the ground to the ridge.
  • The market square of [[Dornstetten]], Germany, showing an ensemble of half-timbered buildings
  • jettied"]]) upper storeys of an English half-timbered village terraced house, the jetties plainly visible
  • Rue du Gros-Horloge in [[Rouen]], France, a city renowned for its half-timbered buildings
  • Half-timbered wall with three kinds of infill, [[wattle and daub]], brick, and stone: The plaster coating which originally covered the infill and timbers is mostly gone. This building is in the central German city of [[Bad Langensalza]].
  • The timber-framed [[Staple Inn]] in [[Holborn]], [[London]]
  • An exceptional fachwerk house called Eglihaus in [[Hombrechtikon]], Switzerland
  • A modern [[prefabricated building]] made by [[Huf Haus]], often sold as "Fachwerk", near [[West Linton]], Scotland
  • [[Idstein]], Hesse, on the [[German Timber-Frame Road]].
  • Limburg]], Netherlands.
  • Interior of a two-aisled market hall, [[Chipping Campden]], [[Gloucestershire]], England
  • A variation of the second meaning of half-timbered: the ground floor is log and the upper floor is framed (half-timbered in the first sense). [[Kluge House]], Montana, U.S.
  • [[Lemgo]], Germany, downtown
  • Wall framing of a Japanese house under construction
  • The [[Churches of Peace]] in southwestern Poland are the largest religious timberframed structures in Europe
  • left
  • Shear plate timber connector
  • Ridge-post framing (left) and story framing (right, with jetties)
  • Roof structure of the Barley Barn, Cressing Temple, Essex
  • This is a part of a timber frame, before pegs are inserted.
  • [[Krämerbrücke]] in [[Erfurt]], Germany, with half-timbered buildings dating from c. 1480
  • Timber-frame house in central [[Poznań]], Poland
  • 300x300px

n. half-timbering, framework, frame


¦ adjective having walls with a timber frame and a brick or plaster filling.
half-timbering noun


Timber framing

Timber framing (Holzfachwerk) and "post-and-beam" construction are traditional methods of building with heavy timbers, creating structures using squared-off and carefully fitted and joined timbers with joints secured by large wooden pegs. If the structural frame of load-bearing timber is left exposed on the exterior of the building it may be referred to as half-timbered, and in many cases the infill between timbers will be used for decorative effect. The country most known for this kind of architecture is Germany, where timber-framed houses are spread all over the country.

The method comes from working directly from logs and trees rather than pre-cut dimensional lumber. Hewing this with broadaxes, adzes, and draw knives and using hand-powered braces and augers (brace and bit) and other woodworking tools, artisans or framers could gradually assemble a building.

Since this building method has been used for thousands of years in many parts of the world, many styles of historic framing have developed. These styles are often categorized by the type of foundation, walls, how and where the beams intersect, the use of curved timbers, and the roof framing details.

Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Fachwerk
1. Ein träge aufragender Kirchturm, ein Tante–Emma–Laden, viel Fachwerk.
2. Grauer Schiefer, schwarz–weißes Fachwerk und sandsteinfarbenes Gemäuer prägen die Kulisse des heilklimatischen Kurortes.
3. Ob als Fachwerk– oder Skelettbauten ausgeführt, sind sie recht gut in der Lage, Horizontalkräfte aufzunehmen.
4. Gabriele Detterer attestiert Frankfurt am Main, wo derzeit eine "Schlacht ums Fachwerk" geführt wird, einen neuen Hang zur architektonischen Nostalgie.
5. Sie hat Skulpturen und Konstellationen geschaffen, die einen treffen wie ein Schock und einen dann nie mehr verlassen; weil sie Erinnerungsbilder sind, voller Affekte, voller Schönheit, voller Magie."In der Frankfurter Fachwerk–Debatte meldet sich die Schriftstellerin Ulrike Kolb zu Wort und wünscht sich, "dass endlich mit modernen Mitteln das hergestellt wird, was wir an den alten Städten so lieben...